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2010 m. spalio 28 d., ketvirtadienis
2010 m. rugsėjo 2 d., ketvirtadienis
2010 m. gegužės 31 d., pirmadienis
2010 m. gegužės 26 d., trečiadienis
April 21 to May 21Symbol - The Bull
Element - Earth
Planet - Venus
Love Life:
You are an aggressive lover and an awesome kisser. In short, you are sexy as hell.
More Compatible with - Leo, Scorpio, Virgo, Capricorn
Less Compatible with - Sagittarius, Gemini, Aries
Qualities Of Taurus
Loving, Mature, Secure, Reliable, Calm, Loyal, Kind, Friendly, Determined, Self-Reliant, Patient, Confident, Affectionate, Practical & Artistic.
Lucky Color - Blue or Green
Lucky Stone - Emerald
Lucky Day - Friday
Lucky Number - Six
Lucky Metal - Copper
2010 m. gegužės 13 d., ketvirtadienis
Sickkk :D
Per kursus prasidejes niuuuniavimas peraugo i garsia muzika grizus @home ;D
Hello hello baby you called
I can't hear a thing
I have got no service
In the club, you say? say?
Wha-Wha-What did you say,
Oh, you're breaking up on me
Sorry, I cannot hear you
I'm kinda busy.
Stop callin', stop callin',
I don't wanna think anymore!
I left my head and my heart on the dance floor.
Per kursus prasidejes niuuuniavimas peraugo i garsia muzika grizus @home ;D
Hello hello baby you called
I can't hear a thing
I have got no service
In the club, you say? say?
Wha-Wha-What did you say,
Oh, you're breaking up on me
Sorry, I cannot hear you
I'm kinda busy.
Stop callin', stop callin',
I don't wanna think anymore!
I left my head and my heart on the dance floor.
Oh My Goshh
Sorry for my forgetfulness {wasntme}
I totally forgot to upload photos..
And.. I haven`t even edit them. But that last hour was the process of photoshoping and putting them together.
So, - - -My Birthday - - -
So. It`s all that I`ve made. {I mean, photo editing}.
2010 m. gegužės 9 d., sekmadienis
2010 m. gegužės 3 d., pirmadienis
2010 m. gegužės 2 d., sekmadienis
New Shoes
Hello!! After I became 18.. I thought- I need new shoes ;D Haha...no, I`m joking.--
Those are from the flee-market.
This bought was so accidental..so unplanned.-
I walked to the girl that we had to trade stuff for her shoes,but..I noticed these!!
They were cheap enough. And..even too cheap, maybe.
Anyway- New year -new shoes!!
2010 m. balandžio 26 d., pirmadienis
My Lovely bubbly ~ ~
Here they are! Not in the store anymore!
On my feet!!
I`m so happy happy happy!!
Okay, L! You need to study now!!
Okay, L! You need to study now!!
new shoes zara heels lou
2010 m. balandžio 25 d., sekmadienis
Today`s Madness

Hmm..hm.. It`s Sunday. It`s my brother`s Birthday.He`s 5 now :}} From the early morning I had to got up and be ready for thousands of guests in our home ;D And.. Go to buy another cake and stuff :D
Anyway-.. I had a lovely time this day. Lying on the grass with coffee & cookies & Chillin.mp3. And then.. I had a little time of freedom to browse the @net. So.. That picture of my desktop is showing my obsession about ideas that I saw by watching needsupply.com, americanapparel.com & etc...
Omg.. I`ts sooo much stuff that I`d want to haaave (inlove)

so anyway...here`s some pics from all that bunch:

Anyway.. I was thinking `bout all this..and..I decided to sew more. I need my abilities to grow. So I need more things to do. To Create.. To Be!
Don`t just say: "eeh, I could make this..and this. "
I need to DO IT literally !!!
2010 m. balandžio 19 d., pirmadienis
My lovelovelove
2010 m. vasario 28 d., sekmadienis
2010 m. vasario 14 d., sekmadienis
Valentino dienos ypatumai
Kai planas A būna kind of atšaukiamas, imamės plano B !
Taigi- sumaniau pasilepinti. Pasidaryt plaukų kaukę ar ką nors panašiai. Ir iš šios minties išsirutuliojo daug tolesnių mielų idėjų, ką galėčiau nuveikti. !!
Kadangi plaukų kaukei reikėjo tik kiaušinio trynio (su pienu), tai pagalvojau, kad ir baltymą reikėtų panaudoti {!}. Pagalvojus. ką galima nuveikti su baltymu, prisiminiau MORENGUS ! ! !
Taigi- susiradau šiokį tokį receptą ir pagaminau morengų.
Ir štai - pagavau save mėgaujantis, beveik, tobula akiminka: Gossip girl + morengai + arbata...

Coming loose, at the seams
Blind spots, voices
Controls gone, I'm like a balloon
Cut it out, emotion
Distance, it grows now
You don't, reach for me
All I got, all I got
Is my scars
Save me give me wings to fly
Make me young reason to fight
Suddenly we'll cross a home
Remember me into the night
Kiss me then I'll wake up (x5)
Fairy tales make up
Headlight, black demons
Peering in my hollow core
Grudges they're strangling
and splinters and dry skin
Streetlights they see me
The whole world will reach for me
All I got, all I got
Is my scars
Save me give me wings to fly
Make me young reason to fight
Suddenly we'll cross a home
Remember me into the night
Kiss me then I'll wake up (x5)
Fairy tales make up
I'll kiss then you'll wake up
Don't want to meet your maker
And you don't believe in fairy tales
Well today I'm gonna make ya
Cause I've come here to save ya
Finna none of that miss I'ma take ya
I can rap I can rhyme like karma
Be your night in armor
Oh no I aint got no Porsche
Just give me a shield and a sword and a horse
And I'll come ridin' ridin' ridin'
Give me a little one on the back
Ima tell a lie and get you on back
Ima tell a lie and get you on back
It's gone right from fiction to fact
I'm gonna take you out this world
Kiss me then I'll wake up (x5)
Fairy tales make up
Kiss me (x5)
Fairy tales make up
2010 m. vasario 3 d., trečiadienis
"What dreams may come..."
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